예전에 MS Window 98이 막 나오고 Desktop theme을 이용해서 꾸미기를 할때 사용하던 유틸중에 고양이, 에반겔리온의 주인공들이 윈도우 타이틀바위에 앉아있는 유틸이 있었죠.
KLDP에 어떤분이 그런 프로그램을 찾다가 공개 소프트웨어 중에 이런 기능을 지원하는 프로그램을 찾았습니다. :) 빙고~!!

MaCoPiX Mascot Constructive Pilot for X

흠... 맘에 들긴한데, 사무실에서는 설치를 못하겠네요.
아래는 영문 소개글이구요.
MaCoPiX (Mascot Constructive Pilot for X) is a desktop mascot application for UNIX / X Window system and Microsoft Windows.
The special features of this application could be said as follows...
- You can make window sitters , fixed desktop mascots, and, furthermore, desktop clock mascots, using MaCoPiX.
This application could be a follower of "ActX". So, it is basically put emphasis on the function as an window sitter. But, of course, it can be used as the other type of desktop mascots.
- Using Gtk+ as GUI
MaCoPiX can edit its all configuration from its GUI. Furthermore, it is possible to create any mascots. You don't need to use any text editors for such purposes.
- Using gdk-pixbuf for image loading
Compared with ActX, in which we can only use xpm type imgaes, MaCoPiX can handle all types of images supported by gdk-pixbuf.
- Biff function
MaCoPiX has biff function to checke local mail spool and POP/APOP servers.
In addtion, MaCoPiX is now reinforced in functions of its menu, balloon and biff systems, compared with ActX.

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