OTN에서 Oracle 10g RAC 설치 문서를 보면 Openfiler라는게 등장한다. Storage로 iSCSI를 이용하는데, iSCSI 서비스를 위해 Openfiler를 이용한다.

아래는 Openfiler 홈페이지에 있는 About openfiler라는 문서의 서문이다.

Openfiler is a powerful, intuitive browser-based network storage software distribution. Openfiler delivers file-based Network Attached Storage and block-based Storage Area Networking in a single framework.

Openfiler uses the rPath Linux metadistribution. It is distributed as a stand-alone Linux distribution. The entire software stack interfaces with third-party software that is all open source.

File-based networking protocols supported by Openfiler include: NFS, SMB/CIFS, HTTP/WebDAV and FTP. Network directories supported by Openfiler include NIS, LDAP (with support for SMB/CIFS encrypted passwords), Active Directory (in native and mixed modes) and Hesiod. Authentication protocols include Kerberos 5.

Openfiler includes support for volume-based partitioning, iSCSI (target and initiator), scheduled snapshots, resource quota, and a single unified interface for share management which makes allocating shares for various network file-system protocols a breeze.

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